داستان آبیدیک

community archiving


1 فلسفه:: آرشیوسازی شهروندی/مردم‌نهاد/ توده‌ای

Abstract This essay argues that archival paradigms over the past 150 years have gone through four phases: from juridical legacy to cultural memory to societal engagement to community archiving. Community archiving and digital realities offer possibilities for healing these disruptive and sometimes con- flicting discourses within our profession. Professional identity · Community archiving Yet many community archives are distinctly uneasy about turning their archives over to state or other archives which represent (and are sponsored by) governments or other institutions of power that previously excluded them as unimportant or, worse, in some cases actively discriminated against and persecuted members of these communities. Moreover, the records in community archives are not just archival resources, but part of the identity of those communities-there is an ''identity provenance'' that gives them significant meaning as autonomous archives, even if the mainstream archives (and its sponsor) have had positive past relationships with a particular community:

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